Wednesday, March 24, 2010

insane couple


FYI guys, BASTITUTETO is SEGENDUGUN's boyfriend. and as y'all know, both of them are LACK of sanity (read : insane)
But, I'm so happy to know you both :))

And, please. Ask me anything,

Friday, March 19, 2010

2 free weeks

you know what makes us happy to the fullest?

Happy Holiday, 10th and 11th GRADERS of PENABUR, whereever you are.
We are so LUCKY, that we have 2 weeks to spend freely ♥

And, HAPPY UN, for 12th graders whereever you are, either Penabur or not. Wish you a GOOD LUCK.
Especially, my real and blogger friends, Cecel, Nadia.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

a new mindset

i have a new idea.
i just looked my friend's facebook photo albums, her summer vacation.
and i found that she's still skinny even she has moved to USA.
i really envy but i have to wait another year to move.
NAAAAH! Secara gue pergi masih 1 tahun berbulan-bulan lagi, maka ......
i decided to : PUAS-PUASIN HIDUP DI KELAS 11! Makan yg banyak hidup enak dan lain lain.
Ntar kelas 12 baru HARUS DIET MATI-MATIAN biar punya badan bagus. asik asik.

A new resolution in a quarter year : ENJOY SCHOOL LIFE! EAT EAT EAT! SLIM SLIM SLIM!

A relationship between past and present

familiar with these things?
yes. it's about have to many friends *again*
but this time, i have a rule. i don't want to make a joke. just let it be. but i'm not letting go.
and just like my previous blog, seems like the world kick me out.

And last saturday, i went to lippo with Areta, Icha, Basti, Veron, Jenggo, they just finished their BTA and went to lippo with school uniform bottom, and changed the top.-except me and basti. and they were talking about the almost-end school, and somehow i feel like i'm going to leave soon too. Like a sad but euphoria feels. A hard farewell but come up with new hope, new world, new things.
Yes, I want a new world, but i hate goodbye(s).