Thursday, April 16, 2009

first posting

hi there :]
i hope this blog is smarter than my old blog.

What i feel today?
i embittered of my feeling, his feeling, and that girl's feeling.
it's hurts me just when i look at her inbox.
why he reply hers and not mine?
i resentful with some people who join school's easter celebration. just forget it.

well, i'm gonna have a quite long holiday, from 18-30 april. :DD
senang senang >.<
even cause of that i cant meet or see him for a quite long time.
and i'll pass a day, his birthday.
i'm waiting he text me, wall me, chat with me. things that we used to do.
i'm sorry for the time i let you down, i just haven't realized it.
will you back to me?

bsk mo nonton ama wilson ama joan :]
thanx for being my friend,just when i need my unsister.
*oia,gw blm ksitau ekun ttg ini,malu,ahahahh*

bsk easter skola gw, jadi singers. Hope that tommorow will be a GREAT dayy, with or without him, i wish.

HATE how much i LOVE you boy, i can't say how much i need you.
HATE how much i LOVE you boy, but i just can't let you go.
HATE that i LOVE you so..