Thursday, May 7, 2009

i totally need somebody special to fill my day.

gatau mau nulis apa.tapi hari ini gw ketawa kebanyakan.tapi uda lupa apa yg bikin gw ketawa,maklumlah otak ikan (baca : pikunan)

setelah kejadian penipuan yangn dilakukan im3 kepadaku *liat blog kmrn*
akirna gw bisa juga buka fb dari handphone yeay *sumpah norak katro abis*
tapi tetep aj ga bisa pake ebuddy,monyooooong.

uda 3 hari ga liat dy -.-

berat badan gw NAIK LAGI aaaaaaa tidak.naik 3kg kembali spt semula.sialsial.

udah ahk.bsk ulangan mat geometri ama sosio.

"I totally NEED somebody special. You know that one person, that when you see they're name or foto POP up on your phone, you instantly light up! And your heart races with every second the phone continues to ring. And then that defining moment happens...they pick up and BAMM!! You switch over to the sexxi voice. Hahah. "
~taken from beach 11:29